
Central Saint Martins MA Online Interim Exhibition
19 – 25 April 2021

On June 11th 2024 transference.tv will host new works from first year MA Contemporary Photography, Philosophy & Practices developed as part of Pixel Elements, a year long course integrated into the MA exploring how artists harness the internet as a site for reinterpreting & redefining the image through individual and collective forms of online exhibition making.    

Both Pixel Elements and Transference.tv have been created by Artist & Associate Lecturer Candice Jacobs for Central Saint Martins.


In 2021, the site hosted the work of over 100 first-year MA students from MA Fine Art, MA Contemporary Photography; Practices and Philosophy and MA Art and Science; as live broadcasts, downloadable artworks, as geo-located artwork, and as artworks located within Rooms.  

Since then, the site has been used to showcase digital works created each year by MA students for Pixel Elements. The site hosts an archive of these works as well as new works created this year. 


Transference describes a situation where the feelings, desires, and expectations of one are shared with others; when the individual is transferred into a collective body. 

As a collective network of souls, we are connected to all energy fields.  And as we engage, energy leaks out of bodies and our electrical conductors into the atmosphere, and the air around us becomes conductive. A corona occurs at locations where the strength of the electric field exceeds the dielectric strength of the air, resulting in the emission of light as a bluish glow, like the glow of the screens reflecting off from your face or radiating out from the windows as you walk down the street. 

Curated, designed and built by Artist & Associate Lecturer Candice Jacobs in collaboration with Matt Woodham and Brendan Oliver.  

Let's press pause for a moment. Inhale and exhale the charged atmosphere that surrounds you.  Feel your body... connect to the firing synapses in your mind and enter into the transference of thoughts and ideas being presented to you, trust your instinct. The energy you have, the attention you give, and the value systems you put in place act as evolutionary tempos and rhythms of extinction. The digital world is a place where our attention has a flat structure; silence and muteness have no place. We must communicate; we cannot remain silent because we are subject to the compulsion of communication and the compulsion of production.